By Open Doors 5 July 2016

An Insight Into Our Ministry

We are often humbled by the reality that the stories we tell in Frontline Faith aren’t fictional, nor historical… they are current.

To know that this type of persecution is happening in this moment in world history so often drives me to hope-filled prayer.

Thank you for the prayer, the letters and the finance you’ve sent to believers to help transform their story. We’ve had many people ask us the following (very good) questions;

How do Open Doors work in the field? How do you get the money to persecuted believers?

Let us take a moment to answer these.

In Australia, we are what’s known as a development base (1 of over 20 worldwide) and our commitment is to raise awareness, prayer and financial support for the persecuted church based off project requests we receive from the field (more than 60 countries worldwide) each year. The finances raised fund these projects through local churches, partners and believers.

We’ve seen not only the need, but also the impact of the ministry grow to a new scale. This has meant the workload has increased for many of our field team members. Field team members are on the ground and personally deliver, disciple and care for the persecuted church with the resources they are empowered with from your generosity.

It’s been one of the most humbling experiences meeting these workers in the field and seeing their passion and servant hearts for Jesus. They carry an enormous burden and risk so much to do the work they do. We are proud to share their story to help them be the hands and feet of the gospel.

Thank you for your support in this global ministry. We hope these stories and numbers give you some insight into the powerful impact your support has had in the lives of men, women, children, the poor, marginalised and oppressed around the world.