By Open Doors 4 September 2024 4 MIN

Burkina Faso: Islamic Extremists Kill Over 200 Burkinabe

On Saturday, 24 August 2024, Islamic extremists opened fire on civilians and soldiers digging trenches around the town of Barsalogho, killing more than 200 people.

The attack is considered one of the deadliest in Burkina Faso this year.

This latest attack, claimed by Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin (JNIM), an affiliate of al-Qaeda, has left the Burkinabe distressed as many of the deceased were civilians volunteering to help dig trenches. 

In a disturbing video filmed by the attackers and circulated on social media, men dressed in plain clothes are brutally shot, killed, and left face down in the trench while their attackers shout Allahu Akbar (Allah is the greatest). 

Mahamadou Sana, Burkina Faso’s security minister, said in a statewide television broadcast, “We will make sure that the enemy knows that we will never again accept such barbarity in our territory. We want to assure the Burkinabe people that we are committed to protecting the Burkinabe and their property and will stand firm.”

The military faces criticism from the families of those killed as those volunteering were helping security forces dig trenches to protect Barsalogho. 

Barsalogho is a town that absorbed nearly 100,000 displaced Burkinabe from surrounding regions.

Ben Saul, special reporter on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, condemned the terrorist attack. 

“Terrorist violence against civilians destroys human rights, including the rights to life and personal security and bodily and mental integrity,” he says. “Terrorism also undermines civil and political rights, democracy, and the rule of law, socio-economic rights, and development.”

The Violence Must Stop

Open Doors’ spokesperson for Sub-Saharan Africa, Jo Newhouse*, shares, “Open Doors strongly condemns the attack on civilians and joins the calls on government at all levels to keep civilians safe and bring to justice all who are found to be involved in these acts of brutality.

“The millions of Burkinabe people that have already been affected by the violence are living in constant flux, bereaved, and severely traumatised. The immediate and long-term human cost of the violence must not be allowed to continue in this manner. All human beings have the right to protection no matter their faith, ethnicity, or gender.

She adds, “We further call on the international Christian community to remain in prayer over this devastating situation. Pray for an end to the Islamist violence as government at all levels diligently, impartially, and transparently address the violence and its effects. Pray for provision for the Church in Burkina Faso as she seeks to bring physical and spiritual assistance to the affected.”

Pray for Burkina Faso

  • Ask God to comfort the widowed and orphaned with His great love. 
  • Pray for the government of Burkina Faso to diligently, impartially, and transparently address the violence and its effects.
  • Pray for wisdom for the Church in Burkina Faso as they minister to all who have been affected. 

Stay updated with the latest prayer requests from the persecuted church.

Believers in Africa are suffering in silence


Five years ago, Pastor Barnabas was attacked by Fulani extremists. He lost his home in northern Nigeria and members of his family. Nearly 34.5 million people have been displaced by violence in Sub-Saharan Africa. Many live in tent cities under horrific conditions. The world isn’t talking about it.

Today, you can see them. You can stand one with them.

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