‘For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.’
Hebrews 4:12

The Word of God is
Alive and Active
For many people around the world, it is illegal to print or own a Bible. For others, there is no Bible in their local language, or the price is prohibitive, as there are so few Christians.
In some nations, being found with a Bible is a death sentence. Yet, the persecuted church continues to hunger for the Scriptures, knowing that the gospel of Jesus is the hope of their salvation.
Will you help spread the Word by delivering Bibles to the persecuted church?
Give A Bible Today

The testimony of a North Korean Refugee
When The Bible Means Survival
From starting a secret church in a North Korean prison camp, to surviving the freezing rivers of the border crossing, Hea Woo’s most prized possession is the word of God.
Clutching her own handwritten Bible, Hea Woo repeated the promises of God daily.
“The Psalm taught me that Jesus is my Shepherd,” she says. “Always. Despite the terrible place and pain I was in, Jesus was my Shepherd… One day, I would sit at His table while my enemies watched. Now, He was leading me through a valley of death. It didn’t matter if I survived or not. God was with me. One day, I’d be free. Whether through release or through death.’
Discover Hea Woo’s Story

Spread the Word
Give a Believer Their Own Bible
You can deliver a Bible into the hands of a suffering believer, equipping them to stand strong in faith despite persecution.
$20 delivers one Bible
$100 delivers 5 Bibles
$200 delivers 10 Bibles
Will you help Spread the Word to persecuted Christians all over the world who are yearning for their very own Bible?
Give Now

The Impact of a Bible
The Bigger Story of God
When persecuted believers receive a Bible in their own language, the whole story of God unfolds before them. They read the stories of believers, just like them, who have given up everything to follow Jesus.
The Bible reminds them that others have gone before them, and brings immense peace and faith amidst persecution.
Learn More

Make a Real Impact for the Global Church
Deliver Bibles as a Church Community
We’d love to include your church in our mission to deliver Bibles to some of the darkest places in the world. Contact your local Relationship Manager to find out more.
There are many creative ways to get involved with Bible delivery worldwide–set a target, hold a fundraiser, or book a guest speaker! Contact your local Relationship Manager to find out more.
We’ll Join the Mission

You Are Making a Difference
Thank You!
Soy received a Bible of her own from our local partners in Laos.
She said, “I feel overwhelmed with joy when I hold this Bible. Now, I know more about who God is. I never had a chance to own a Bible. Now, I can read, learn, and see new things about God.”
We are so thankful for your faithful and generous support of the persecuted church! Please continue to pray with us, that God will build His church all over the world and strengthen us all through his powerful Word.
Give A Bible Today