By Open Doors 18 August 2020

 Police Infiltrate Church

Seven police officers arrived at a local church service. They told believers they were simply observing, but the service quickly turned.

As a series of officers arrived in the house church in Laos, believers continued to worship, preach and pray together. Officers reportedly paced around the congregation, taking photos and videos, also noting attendees’ personal information.

Some churchgoers noted that the officers sang along with the worship, speculating that they were tasked by the government to learn and disguise themselves as Christians for future church surveillance.

Following the service, the officers confiscated Bibles and Christian material, later requesting attendees’ presence at the local police station. Believers were asked a series of questions about church offerings, future plans and the benefits of following Jesus. It is believed this information will be used by authorities to identify, observe and target more Christian gatherings.

Following the incident, Open Doors’ partners prepared a special prayer service and replaced the confiscated items.

Although left shaken, the church continues to gather together.

Pray For Laos:

  • Pray this incident becomes an opportunity for authorities to come to know Christ.
  • Pray for safety and protection over believers.
  • Pray believers will not be discouraged, but rather convicted of the need to bring the light of Jesus into their community.

Stay updated with the latest news from the persecuted church.