By Open Doors 9 May 2024 4 MIN

Myanmar | Five Churches Destroyed

Local news sources in Myanmar have reported that, two weeks ago, the military council burned down more than 400 houses, including five Christian churches, in a village in the Sagaing Region. The military council has patrolled the area since the beginning of April and constantly engage in fighting with the People’s Defense Forces.

The locals shared that the military marched up to the village and began burning down houses and churches to scorn the people’s fighters and spread fear amongst the locals. The military forces burned down several Baptist churches and churches of other denominations.

“Houses that could not be burned down were also destroyed by industrial equipment. A school was also destroyed by their heavy weapons and drone bombs. They broke into the houses. After that they took off with a getaway vehicle,” said a villager who witnessed the arson and destruction.

Entire Christian Village Displaced

Ko Thein*, a local Open Doors’ partner shares, “The village contains around 500 houses, and they all are Christians. Since their houses and churches are burnt, the people are now displaced to the nearby areas and taking shelter in all possible areas.”

Because of the incident in the village, nine nearby villages in the northern part of Kalay have been evacuated upon the military council’s deployment.

Who Is Most Vulnerable to Persecution?

Myanmar is #17 on the 2024 World Watch List. Armed conflict and rising surveillance make life for Christians incredibly challenging.

This most recent attack, though horrific, is not new. In the past year, Myanmar’s civil war has become entrenched in areas with a significant Christian presence, such as Chin state. But the widespread nature of conflict, and the threat facing converts in places where the Christian influence is smaller, means that persecution is a very real risk for our sisters and brothers in various parts of the country.

Additionally, women’s rights in Myanmar are rapidly disappearing following the military takeover in February 2021.

What Does Open Doors Do to Help?

Working through local partners, Open Doors strengthens believers in Myanmar through literature distribution, discipleship, and leadership programmes, livelihood support, and youth, children, and family ministries.

Pray for Myanmar:

  • That the Holy Spirit will comfort and empower the believers who have been affected by this attack.
  • That God will give these Christians wisdom as they respond to the challenges and comfort as they deal with the trauma and loss they are experiencing.
  • That the ruling military will be transformed by God to bring justice and freedom for all.

Stay updated with the latest prayer requests from the persecuted church.

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