By Open Doors 30 April 2024 4 MIN

The Church In India Needs You

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” Proverbs 17:17 

No Believer Should Walk Alone

What selfless acts have you done for your family?  Maybe you have woken in the middle of the night to pick up and drive someone home. Maybe you have helped financially or practically: moving houses, making meals. Most of us would do almost anything for our family.

But what about your family in Christ?

The global Church is a family. We may not be related by blood, but the blood of Christ unites us. And in Him, we are one body, created to care and strengthen one another. Like our natural family, the family of God needs one another most when times are tough. 

The Church In India

Right now in India, our brothers and sisters are enduring extreme persecution because they love Jesus. Their church buildings are being destroyed, they are being imprisoned and beaten, and they face constant threats from authorities.

All because of Jesus.

These believers need our help.

Believers like Pastor Laxman.

What Does Persecution Look Like?

Laxman, a Christian in his early 30s, pastors a growing church in India. 

In the area where he lives, Hindu extremist groups view Christianity as a ‘foreign religion’. They believe Indians ought to be Hindus, so any Hindu who converts to Christianity is likely to be abused, imprisoned, or attacked by these groups.  

When Laxman’s church began to grow, and his congregation included former Hindus, the extremists in the area were enraged.

“The extremists made a police complaint against me, accusing me of luring people to Christianity using money,” Laxman says. Under the state’s anti-conversion law, where it is illegal to influence a Hindu to convert to any other religion, this kind of coercion is a punishable offence.  

Under these regulations, many pastors have been wrongly accused and imprisoned for several years. Laxman knew the charges could be serious.  

“The extremists called a believer from my church to the police station,” Laxman says, “He was threatened [and told] that his house would be destroyed unless he signed a blank piece of paper.” The believer was terrified and agreed to the strange request. He signed the blank paper and was released.

Beaten, Kicked, Abused, and Tortured Mercilessly

The extremists added a false ‘confession’ above the signature stating that Laxman had lured the man to Christianity.

“The next day, while I was conducting a prayer service, the police came and stopped the service,” Laxman remembers. “They started beating me. They took me by the collar, hit me with their batons, and slapped me. I thought the [other] villagers and believers would save me, but they did not. Then police shoved me and one more believer in their van and took us to the police station.” 

Through efforts of believers from his church, Laxman was released on bail. But upon his return home, he saw that his church building had been destroyed by the same extremists who had attacked him.

“This is God’s work.”

Even in the face of threats and abuse, Laxman carries courage from the Lord and continues to lead his congregation. He lives under constant surveillance from extremists and Hindu authorities, but he and his church continue to share the good news.  

“The church building is closed, but my ministry continues. This is God’s work. No one can close it or shut it down. It is for the Kingdom of the Lord.”  – Pastor Laxman, India 

Now is a critical time for the global family of Christ to ensure the church in India doesn’t die out. You can help them stand strong as the abuse and attacks increase. Will you give to support our persecuted family today? 

Give Help to the Hurting

Strengthen the Church in India

In India, our brothers and sisters are enduring extreme persecution because they love Jesus. Their church buildings are being destroyed, they are being imprisoned and beaten, and they face constant threats from authorities and false charges of conversion.

Today, will you give help to the hurting, and strengthen our Indian family in their great time of need?

Give Today