Privacy Policy

Open Doors Privacy Policy
And Website T&Cs

Our commitment to
Your privacy

Thank you for helping people follow Jesus all over the world, no matter the cost through supporting Open Doors. Your gifts, prayers and impact give practical help as well as courage and strength to those who risk their everything as they live for Jesus.

Open Doors Australia Ltd (“We”, “Us”, “Our”,“ODA”, “Open Doors”) recognises the importance of protecting your personal information. Your privacy is important to us and we want to manage your personal information in a respectful and responsible manner.

This Privacy Policy details how we will protect your privacy rights in the collection, storage, use and disclosure of your personal information. This Privacy Policy explains how we comply with the Australian Privacy Principles (APP).

Our Privacy Policy is based on the 13 Australian Privacy Principles (“APPs”) introduced into the Privacy Act 1988 by the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012.
The Privacy Act sets standards for the way we must deal with personal information by regulating:

  • the way we collect your personal information;
  • the way we use and disclose it;
  • our data quality and security for storage of your personal information;
  • our openness about our Privacy Policy;
  • any direct marketing we conduct;
  • your right of access and correction of your personal information;
  • how we handle any privacy complaints; and
  • any international transfer of Information.
  • Collection & use of Personal information

    Personal and/or sensitive information is collected directly from you when you interact with Open Doors. For example:

    • Making a donation or purchase from our Store
    • Sending or receiving an email
    • Making an enquiry/complaint
    • Visiting our website
    • Applying for a role at Open Doors
    • Taking part in an event
    • Volunteering for Open Doors
    • Signing up to a campaign, emails, Magazine and letters.
    • Where we have a face-to-face relationship with you

    Information may be collected in person, over the phone, through our websites, social media, email or from something you’ve posted to us.

  • What information we collect about you

    The information we hold will typically include some or all of the following:

    • Your name
    • Postal address
    • Email address
    • Phone number
    • Your year or date of birth, to ensure we send you age appropriate materials
    • The activity that you have completed or the information you have requested
    • Information on your household for acknowledgement purposes (ie. Husband and wife)

    If you make a donation, we may collect:

    • Bank details
    • Credit card details

    If you interact with us online, we may also collect:

    • IP addresses
    • Details of pages visited
    • Details of files downloaded.

    Website usage information is collected using cookies: see the section on cookies below.

    We collect information from third parties such as event organisers (e.g. a marathon event like Muskathlon) or fundraising sites like Everyday Hero, when you have agreed to support ODA and have given your consent. You may wish to check their privacy policy to find out more information on how they will process your data.

    We may collect information available publicly, like; articles, newspapers or social media.

    Where you provide the information, we may collect sensitive information such as

    • your denomination or church
    • your religious beliefs.
    • criminal record if applying for employment

    For employees and supporters travelling with Open Doors, we may store and share with a travel organiser or company your medical details, and if you participate in an event that we have organised, we may ask you to provide information to make sure we can manage the event safely and efficiently. We may also ask you for details of any accessibility needs you may have, so that we ensure our event is inclusive, in line with the provisions of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA).

    We may also receive information about you from other sources (including public sources). This is explained in the ‘How we might use your information’ section below.

  • Security & how we store your information

    We ensure that we have appropriate technical controls in place to protect any personal data you provide. For example, we use SSL Encryption and our network is protected.

    We ensure that access to personal data is restricted only to those staff members or volunteers whose job roles require such access and that suitable training is provided for these staff members and volunteers. All employees and volunteers sign a confidentiality agreement when they commence working with ODA.

    How we might use your information
    We may use the personal data we collect to:

    • Keep you up to date on news and the impact of Open Doors’ work
    • Ask for financial and non-financial support, such as volunteering, events or prayer.
    • Process donations you give us.
    • Provide information or resources, such as fundraising or campaign packs or our magazine, that you have requested.
    • Provide a personalised service, such as customised website content or personalised emails, social media targeted ads.
    • Advertise to you through Facebook/Instagram.
    • Keep records of your relationship with us, e.g., feedback you have given, requests or complaints you have made
    • Classify supporters by location/State.
    • Conduct market research to aid our understanding of our supporters and their views, so we can provide a better service.
  • Tailoring our communications

    We have a duty to make sure that we’re spending your donations wisely, and that means doing some research and analysis to ensure we send you the most appropriate communications, including acknowledging your past support and actions, demonstrating accountability and impact. In order to work out whom to contact, what to say and when to get in touch, we carry out the following activities:

    • We look at information such as postcodes of supporters
    • We look at whether donations have been given regularly.

    This helps us to tailor appropriate communications to you, to demonstrate the impact of your support, as well as improve your experience as a supporter.
    We may use your information to invite you to become involved with us in new ways or raise funds.

  • Social media

    Your settings or the privacy policies for social media and messaging services might give permission to access information from these sources. If we do access this data, for example to assess the effectiveness of our communications, we will not currently add this to your personal details that we hold. We advise you to check the privacy settings on your social media provider to ensure you are happy with the level of privacy you have chosen.

  • Consent

    If you are a new supporter, we will process your personal data on the basis of the consent you provide us with. You are free to request a change to your contact preferences at any time by contacting us by phone, post or email, as shown in the section ‘Your Preferences & Updating Details’ below. Where you have previously asked us not to contact you in this way, we will continue to respect your contact preferences.

    We will send you whatever you’ve asked for, e.g. a resource you’ve ordered – or write a letter to acknowledge a gift. This doesn’t affect your other communications preferences. We may also share details of the difference our work makes and update you on other ways you could support the persecuted church, for example letter writing, using new resources or raising funds.

  • Our service providers & third parties

    We store your information with a third party secure storage provider.
    From time to time we may employ trusted suppliers to carry out tasks on our behalf, such as fulfilling orders, managing events, supporting our systems, or processing donations. These agents are bound by contract to protect your data and we remain responsible for their actions.

  • Cookies

    What are cookies?
    We collect data using cookies. A cookie is a text file that is sent from our website as soon as you visit the site. It is stored on your computer/phone’s hard drive and helps us to identify your computer (not you) and collects information in an aggregate, anonymous way.

    How do we use cookies?
    Cookies may be used to collect information about your visit to our website, such as:

    • Traffic data
    • Location data
    • Device information
    • The date and time of your visit
    • The pages that you visit.

    We may use this information to:

    • Customise the content on our website and help to understand visitors’ current and future needs
    • Aid internal administration and analysis.

    Managing cookies
    Most browsers allow you to turn off the cookie function. To do this you can look at the help function on your browser.

    Third-party cookies
    ODA works with a number of third-party suppliers, such as Youtube, Facebook and Google Analytics, who set cookies on our website to enable them to provide us with services. These are mainly used for reporting and advertising purposes so we can improve the way we communicate. They may also use tracking pixels, which are commonly found in advertising to track the effectiveness of adverts.

  • Your preferences & updating details

    You can access and request correction of the information we hold about you. You can also change your preferences on which communications you receive from us, including marketing and fundraising materials, or how we contact you, by mail, phone or email, at any time.

    You can change your preferences and update your details by:

    Calling us on: 02 9451 2999
    Emailing us on:
    Write to us at: PO Box 734 Penrith NSW 2751

Contact us

We endeavour to ensure that we comply with the Australian Privacy Principles. If you have an inquiry or complaint please contact us at the details below. We will respond in a timely matter.
Please contact:

Open Doors Australia
PO Box 734 Penrith NSW 2751
02 9451 2999

After this process, is you are dissatisfied, you can submit a complaint to the OAIC here: